How To Get Taste And Smell Back After Covid-19

Publish date: 2023-03-30

Corona virus (Covid-19) is a crazy virus and during the early stages or after recovery patients suffer from a temporary loss of smell and taste. In scientific terms, this condition is also known as anosmia. Here we will discuss how to get the taste and smell back after Covid-19.

I remember seeing a video where a guy was Coronavirus (Covid-19) positive and has mild symptoms. He also lost taste and smell and he tried eating and smelling weird things such as onion, garlic, soy sauce and tried to smell some very high-smelling objects. Nothing worked and in the end, all he could do was to wait until he gets his smelling and tasting power naturally.

The question arises why does this happen that you lose the sense of taste and smell after Coronavirus (covid-19)?

As per many doctors and physicians, it is concluded that due to the virus attack an inflammatory reaction inside the nose leads to a loss of olfactory neurons. This is the main reason patients lose the sense of taste and smell.

It has been reported that 86% of patients who have suffered from Covid-19 have faced the problem of anosmia. 

When will you get your sense of smell and taste back after covid?

Covid-19-World-ServiceIt is highly unlikely that Covid-19 will permanently damage the olfactory neural circuits. Once you have recovered from the infection your sense of smell and taste will also come to recovery. 

Most of the patients regained their sense of smell and taste back after 20-30 days of recovery. It is also seen in some cases that patients experience light anosmia even after 60 days of recovery. 

There is no exact answer when you regain your sense of tasting and smelling as it depends from person to person.

You can try some home remedies to regain the sense of smell and taste after recovering from Covid-19.

Here’s how you can regain your sense of taste and smell back using home remedies after Covid-19.

Putting a drop of warm castor oil in each nostril twice a day will help you in getting your senses back. Castor oil helps in eliminating inflammation and thus helps in quick recovery.

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and its soup can help you in the treatment of a stuffy nose or anosmia. Garlic has a lot of other health benefits as well. It will help you in a speedy recovery.

Adding a few drops of lemon juice to water and drinking it can help you in regaining your sense of taste and smell quicker. This mixture has a strong citrusy smell and gives you the much-needed Vitamin C naturally.

Chewing small pieces of ginger within regular intervals can help you to get your taste and smell back after covid faster. Ginger has a very strong aroma and you can also have ginger tea if chewing it directly is hard for you.

Peppermint has a high flavor and aroma to it. Boiling a few leaves in a cup of water and adding some honey after the solution has become lukewarm will help you a lot in recovering from taste and smell loss.

Peppermint contains menthol which has amazing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can help you in a speedy recovery and get your sense of taste and smell back after Covid.

Hot steam can help you with nasal congestion and nose blockage and will give you an open gate to breathe easily. 

Drinking water is also advised normally and drinking plenty of it helps you in clearing unwanted cough. Water helps you in staying hydrated and having lukewarm water can give you amazing results as well. It can help you to regain your sense of taste and smell after Covid.

Many videos have surfaced on the internet where people are trying to regain their sense of taste and smell by eating weird stuff. Some of the examples include eating a burnt orange or biting into an onion-like apple. Some even tried to eat spices directly to gain their smell back.

All these ways might seem absurd but sometimes they work. So be ready for some experimenting. 

Nasal sprays rich in Alpha-lipoic acid or vitamin A can be very helpful. But we would recommend that you should talk to a physician first before trying any medicine.

You can ask your doctor about some olfactory training which may include smelling some weird stuff. This can work as training for your senses. 

You can follow any of these home remedies if you have recently recovered from Corona virus Covid-19. All of them are natural and helps you in fighting the infection as well. 

The best time to perform these activities is the morning time, or you can also follow the remedies twice or thrice a day. They have little to no harm.

  • It is important that you gain the sense of smell and taste after you are recovered from Covid-19 naturally. We strongly recommend you to not take any medicines or too many antibiotics to treat your smell and taste buds.
  • The best thing is to try some diet changes and home remedies and wait for the senses to come back to normal naturally.
  • If it has been too many days then try consulting a doctor, do not take medicines or antibiotics deliberately.
  • Are there any long-term risks related to the physical or psychological traits of human beings?

    Anosmia or loss of taste or smell is a curious phenomenon. If sustained for a long time it can have adverse effects on human beings.

    People will start to lose their appetites as the food will start to taste bland. This can further lead to vitamin deficiencies. 

    There are other risks involved as well. Suppose there is a gas leak at your home and you have anosmia, the consequences could be dire.

    Luckily we have no such data that supports the fact that Covid-19 infection permanently damages the sense of taste and smell.

    You will start to regain your sense of taste or smell sooner or later. 

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