How Beginners Choose Best Domain Name For Their Websites

Publish date: 2023-05-12

Establishing a successful startup requires the right decisions and concrete foundations. To make a powerhouse business, you need to assign it an intuitive identity. Among the plethora of domain names, finding the best winning domain name generator for your startup can be a challenging task.

Domain plays a significant role in presentable user interface and branding. A sound domain name is a valuable asset for a business as it makes it stand out among other same niches. A hard, complex, and wrong-spelled domain name is difficult to remember, looks fake, and hence loses its credibility. I don’t want you to face such business issues, so I present you an article that is a brief yet to-the-point guide on how to select a matching and right domain name for a successful startup. 

What does finding a winning domain name means?

How Beginners Choose Best Domain Name For Their Websites

However, a perfect domain demands a lot of effort in hunting it. Before starting your domain hunt, you need to grasp the following qualities of a good domain name. Let’s explore.

How to choose a winning domain name for your business

Here is a bunch of seven effective techniques for choosing a winning domain name.

Good readability

Make it short, meaningful, and readable so people can remember and use it easily. An ideal domain name is more than 18 characters long. For example, take the example of the following brands, they strictly follow the rule of the short and basic domain name.

However, a good domain name with a subtle ring and short length is already in bulk in the market. There is a way to solve this issue. To cite, pick a domain name and extend it with an industry-relevant department. For example, Emirates, a leading online airline agency, is using for its merchandise stores.

More examples include:

Avoid linguistic and grammatical errors

Along with keeping the name simple and short, devoid of misspellings, hyphens, numbers, special characters, and abbreviations. Such a name is hard to remember and complicated to verbally speak.

For example, is a preferable domain name as compared to

Make sure your domain name is radio test friendly

Radio test ensures that your domain name is simple, easily communicable, and short. In this test, the domain name is spoken aloud to check if it’s understandable. By doing this, you get to know how many people will be able to apprehend your domain name when heard for the first time. Also, a domain name with low complexity works smoothly in an era of voice search. For example, is easy to listen to and remember. If you are marketing your brand somewhere in an event and happen to speak the domain name. If it’s complex and hard to get it, people are more likely to forget it. Hence, a big loss for your business.

Make your domain name noteworthy and relevant

Besides finding a short, meaningful, and radio test-friendly domain name, it is highly important to make it indelible. A catchy domain name has high conversion rates.

A contextually well-defined rich domain name which expresses what you do and who you are is most likely to be remembered. Users will face no issues with finding you on the internet.

To cite, Break Into Tech, an organization, owns a contextual domain name i.e. This adds more credibility, texture, and pattern to the brand.

Similarly, it’s imperative for the domain name to be relevant. Let’s say you have a website that gives out promo codes for Vimeo, Twitch, and other video hosting services, it will help you a great deal to have words like “discount”, “promo” and “video” in your domain name.

Do check the domain name compatibility for social media as well

Besides being available on the internet, your domain name’s notion of availability should be catered to on other platforms as well like social media pages. Social media marketing of your brand is highly essential and you need more engagement of the users. To ensure your continuity and memorability, your domain name must match your social media channels' names as well.

Devoid your domain name from legal issues

After finding a winning domain name, make sure it is free from copyrights, patent, and trademark rights. Before purchasing it, be careful in checking its authenticity that it is clean and free from legal disputes. For this, you need to make global research on the databases of copyrights and trademarks.

Choose the right domain extension

Finally, after finding a winning domain name for your business by considering the above features, you need to decide on a proper extension for it. Extensions like .com, .co, .net, and .biz. are commonly used. Think of a unique and intuitive extension that defines your work and adds flexibility to it.

For example, if you are an eCommerce startup, use .store domain. If you have a tech business, pick .tech extension. For media agencies, use .press as an extension. If you own a real estate agency, use .site domain. If you are a simple service provider, use .online as a website domain.

The giveaway

I hope, this article helped you in finding a winning domain name. By exploring the above tips, you would agree with me that domain name is not rocket science. You need to be careful with a few things like short, radio-friendly, a good extension, free from legal disputes, and special. You can also take help from online business name generator tools as they provide unique, free from legal issues, and low-end domain names.

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